24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-866-296-0447 inquiries@ywcalethbridge.com
Hestia Youth Homes

Hestia Homes

Hestia Homes Program supports and empowers young adults who have experienced homelessness or have the potential of becoming homeless. Residents learn how to focus on goals and gain skills so that they can successfully transition to independent living.

As a partner in the City of Lethbridge’s Housing First Initiative, Hestia Homes meets the needs of young adults ages 17 – 24 through a range of flexible, experiential and individualized permanent supportive housing opportunities. The program is comprised of three houses – Avail CPA Sunrise House, Sunrise II, and Sunrise III, all located within the City of Lethbridge.

An adult role model lives in each home to provide youth with assistance and to serve as a mentor.


Give the gift of a home.

Provide vital skills & connections to women & youth experiencing homelessness

604 8th Street South, Lethbridge, AB T1J 2K1
Phone: 403-329-0088inquiries@ywcalethbridge.com | 24-Hour Crisis Line: 403-320-1881 or 1-866-296-0447
Copyright 2019 YWCA Lethbridge  |  Careers at the YWCA  |  Contact the YWCA

Charity Registration Number: 108227919 RR0001
